
Bioresonance therapy

Cause-oriented, holistic treatment concept

The bioresonance therapy

Harmonize the body’s own information with bioresonance therapy

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What is bioresonance?

How does bioresonance therapy work?

The bioresonance therapy

Harmonize the body’s own information with bioresonance therapy

Final Report Clinical Study

Prospective, multicenter, single-arm, open-label observational study to evaluate the performance and safety of BICOM optima® / BICOM optima® mobil devices for bioresonance treatment in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

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Bioresonance therapy devices


Are you interested in a BICOM® device?

Our international representatives are there for you personally!
Our international BICOM® experts are available to answer all your questions and will be happy to advise you personally and individually.

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Via Conca del Naviglio, 20123 Milano MI, Italia

Via Dante, Milano MI, Italia

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