Life is only possible if three conditions are met: Matter, energy and information.
We also find these aspects in conventional medicine, both in diagnostics and in therapy. For example, every drug is also a carrier of information.
Information is neither energy nor matter, it is immaterial and comparable to the meaning of a message from a sending to a receiving receiving system.
During cell communication and the transmission of of information, in addition to the electrical receptor proteins and biomembranes in general, electromagnetic interactions through light (biophotons) also play a role.
Specific electromagnetic wave patterns act as information carriers. These wave patterns can be modulated by the BICOM device in order to eliminate disruptive or stressful information in an organism.
The aim is to restore the free flow of healing information (cell communication) and thus to support the organism´s self-regulation and self-healing powers.
Individual, patient-specific information or information from native substances, digitized substances or information stored on storage media can be used for therapy.